Acne friendly sugar alternatives

Acne friendly sugar alternatives

It’s common knowledge that sugar causes horrors on our well-being (hormonal balances, obesity, cholesterol, diabetes and more), but what about our skin health? Recent studies show that sugar and refined carbs (a high-glycemic diet) aggravates the two most important causes of acne: hormones and inflammation, which are reflected in our skins sturdiness. Here’s the lowdown on what exactly sugar does to your skin and what you can do about it!

Let’s start with the basics. Foods that are “high glycemic” such as refined carbs like sweetened baked goods, white bread, pasta or even soda drinks can increase your insulin levels. And what does that mean? Well, when you ingest these high-glycemic foods they rapidly convert to sugar, which leads to a burst of inflammation throughout the body that trails to acne. And if that wasn’t bad enough, sugar also leads to premature aging, dark circles and more!  Yikes! But this doesn’t mean you have to quit sugar just yet, the most nutritious, antioxidant packed foods (fruits and vegetables) all contain natural sugars. Don’t believe me? Read on.

What sugar should you eat?

Opt for ‘’low glycemic foods’’, like whole grains, beans, nuts, vegetables, and fruits they break down more slowly in your system and help you avoid sugar and insulin spikes. Low-glycemic options have shown to improve acne and help balance out the hormones linked to it and will fast track your journey to clear skin.

Some tips to offset sugar’s effects on skin

  • Go gourmet: Use raw honey or coconut sugar as the sweetener (but in moderation of course), this is a healthier alternative to regular sugar especially for making homemade treats or hot drinks. And if you simply have to indulge, treat yourself to dark chocolate (anything over 60%) to reap the antioxidants benefits.

  • Drink water: From time to time those sweet cravings can actually be a sign of dehydration. So, opt for filtered water, coconut water or add fruit to your water instead of the sugary sodas!

  • Add some spices into your life: Certain spices will add natural sweetness to your food like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Cinnamon is also known to lower the blood sugar.

  • Include foods that help acne problems: Certain foods have been linked to improving acne.These include fish oil, turmeric, ginger, green tea, nuts, dark purple and red foods such as berries, green foods like dark green leafy vegetables, and omega 3-eggs. These are just some of the anti-inflammatory foods that help minimize toxic buildup in your system, fight free radicals, and promote health and well-being.

  • Remember diet is just one small part of eliminating acne: Cleansing and moisturizing are also essential for clearer skin.  I always recommended SkinB5 products to all my friends and family. SkinB5 products are natural and effective that help you manage your acne whilst helping you to maintain healthy skin. The Cleansing Mousse is very gentle on the skin and works deep down to remove excess oils and problem causing bacteria. I love to follow up with their Acne Control Moisturizer. This keeps me hydrated all day long (without the shiny residue hallelujah) and glowing!

  • Take acne-fighting supplements: Lastly some supplements are critical for skin health. Antioxidant levels have been shown to be low in acne sufferers. I totally recommend: SkinB5’S Acne Control Tablets- Extra Strength. These bad boys are suitable for all skin types and each tablet contains powerful blemish-fighting vitamins and minerals that work from within to treat facial and body acne, including blackheads and whiteheads. Oh and did I mention it’s all natural? To find out more on what they contain click here

The bottom line is this: Try to limit processed foods that contain sugar. Don’t forget to read all the ingredients! Sugar is hidden in unlikely foods, do a quick scan of the ingredients and keep in mind sugar can be disguised as glucose, evaporated cane juice, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), fruit juice concentrate, fructose, dextrose, caramel or syrup. Remember moderation is key and an occasional soda or sugary snack is nothing to worry about. But expect trouble if you eat them frequently, as it increases hormones and inflammation. Hope you liked this post and if you did please share it! For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us! We would love to hear from you. Until next time

Farah xoxo

Farah has been using SkinB5 for two years now. She is an advocate for natural and organic beauty products, healthy living and a self-proclaimed whole foods enthusiast.  Her passion for health and beauty stems from her personal experiences dealing with problematic skin and now she wants to help others learn her secrets to flawless skin from the inside, out.

By |2020-02-10T18:10:39+10:00March 28th, 2016|Acne Treatment, SKIN CONDITIONS|0 Comments

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At skinB5, Our Vision is everyone happy in their own skin. Our Mission is transforming lives through innovative, effective and ethical skin care products that enable wellness and confidence. Our Values are: Care – Passionate about creating a positive impact in our world; Integrity – Doing the right thing at a personal and professional level; Progressiveness – Lead by utilising new knowledge.

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