De-Clutter to help De Stress

De-Clutter to help De Stress

Why de-clutter? Do you know that feeling of overwhelming, that comes from a pile of bills, receipts and paperwork all building up? You’ll be adding to that if you have piles of washing or clothes piling up on the chair in your bedroom. Bookcases so full you can’t see what books you’ve got and cupboards so full you can’t find what you need to cook tonight!

Now if you’re making yourself feel anxious and stressed by this kind of overwhelm you’ll not be helping your skin stay glowing and clear.

Here are a few steps to combat the clutter:

  1. Start Small

All it takes is 5 min’s a day for a lighting de-clutter. So put your bag in your room, take your shoes back to your wardrobe, your nail varnish in the bathroom cabinet and paperwork to deal with all in one place, so when you make the time you’re not stressed trying to find it all over the house.

  1. The Wardrobe de-clutter

Phew…big job, but we’ve got to start somewhere! You’ll feel great for it too – when it’s finished 😉

Go through your wardrobe and if you haven’t worn something for a year or more, pop it in a bag for charity or give it to a friend. If something needs taking up or a zip fixing, put it in a pile to take to the seamstress and put that pile in a bag by the door; take it next time you leave the house.

  1. One in, One Out

This one will save you money too – double whammy!!

Set yourself a little challenge that you can’t buy “something” new until that old “something” is finished.

All those nearly used shampoos and conditioners, use them all before buying a new bottle. Skin products that haven’t worked in the past, throw away.

Keep SkinB5 products that you know work and de-clutter your bathroom from anything that doesn’t give you fresh glowing skin.

One in one out goes for food too! How many herbal teas have you got in your cupboards? So many packets and/ or tins of food and only the ones nearest the front of the cupboard get eaten!

Go through your cupboards; eat everything that is healthy and not out of date. As you finish your stocks, start to buy new, whole fresh foods instead of those highly produced items that you can’t even pronounce the ingredients of. It’s the more processed foods that may lead to breakouts, so fresh, whole foods are so much better it terms of nutrients and taste. Your skin and senses will thank you for it.

Venessa Nickless Head Shot

Venessa is a down to earth Health & Lifestyle Coach, specializing in helping clear your stress and problem skin through holistic simplicity. Her passion for healthy living, whole foods, and beauty from the inside out, is a result of years of acne, adrenal exhaustion and digestion issues that affected not only her body but also her confidence. Venessa wants to share with you how Yoga & Meditation along with a natural, unprocessed diet and SkinB5 products can build flawless skin, amazing confidence, and a massive smile, as it has done for her.

Follow her blog at

By |2020-02-08T22:03:01+10:00June 8th, 2016|LIFESTYLE, Skin Wellness|0 Comments

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At skinB5, Our Vision is everyone happy in their own skin. Our Mission is transforming lives through innovative, effective and ethical skin care products that enable wellness and confidence. Our Values are: Care – Passionate about creating a positive impact in our world; Integrity – Doing the right thing at a personal and professional level; Progressiveness – Lead by utilising new knowledge.

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