Acne After Twenty—How it can affect you into middle age

Acne After Twenty—How it can affect you into middle age

 SkinB5 Helps Adults Get Acne Free No Matter their Age!

If you think you’ve escaped acne forever once your teenage years are gone, think again. Acne isn’t only a problem faced by teenagers these days! Believe it or not, acne can persist throughout an entire person’s life and is a common problem among middle-aged women especially.

According to a study at the Massachusetts General Hospital, “45% of women aged 21-30, 26% aged 31-40, and 12% aged 41-50 had clinical acne.” Those are quite shocking numbers for a disorder that is commonly considered as affecting teens only.

There are many factors that can contribute to acne, but no one quite knows what causes acne in adults. Factors such as diet, amount of skin oil production, hormones and stress can all influence acne severity.

Doctors suspect that hormones may be the leading cause of acne in middle aged women. “As women age, their levels of androgens [the male hormone that is present in both men and women] rise,” says Dr. Bethanee Jean Schlosser, assistant professor of dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

At SkinB5, we get emails from middle aged people suffering from acne all the time. They ask if SkinB5 can help adult acne and if it will really work. We don’t blame them for being sceptical. After years of trying virtually every acne medication under the sun with little to no results, we would be sceptical too!

The great news for acne sufferers (especially middle-aged ones) is that with SkinB5, acne doesn’t have to rule your life anymore. SkinB5 DOES work for all ages and treats acne despite the cause. Especially for older users concerned about hormone induced acne, SkinB5 helps to regulate androgens (male hormones), in turn reducing acne.

Apart from treating hormonal acne, SkinB5 also helps reduce stress, boost the immune system and regulate skin oil levels; three additional factors that can cause or increase acne severity.

As a matter of fact, we just got a testimonial from a middle aged acne sufferer…here it is:

“At 41 years of age I’ve suffered with acne for over 20 years. In this time I have tried everything to cure it. From roaccutane, anti-biotic, contraceptive pill, complete diet changes, supplements, apple cider vinegar, raw potato & every topical cream & face wash. I have spent thousands & thousands of dollars. A few years ago my acne progressed in to Cystic acne. I decided I had nothing to lose trying SkinB5 and to my great surprise my acne has lessened significantly. My acne was stubborn and it did take around 5 months for me to really notice a difference. I am delighted to say that Skin B5 really does work. It has changed my life. Thank you SkinB5.”

Natalie Carter – New Zealand

No matter your age, it’s never too late to get acne-free! Say goodbye to acne forever and see the difference for yourself with SkinB5!

By |2020-02-10T20:19:38+10:00November 4th, 2013|Acne Treatment, SKIN CONDITIONS|0 Comments

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At skinB5, Our Vision is everyone happy in their own skin. Our Mission is transforming lives through innovative, effective and ethical skin care products that enable wellness and confidence. Our Values are: Care – Passionate about creating a positive impact in our world; Integrity – Doing the right thing at a personal and professional level; Progressiveness – Lead by utilising new knowledge.

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