Announcing New SkinB5 Ambassador: Pareena Naggea

Announcing New SkinB5 Ambassador: Pareena Naggea

My Journey To Becoming SkinB5 Brand Ambassador

“The foundation you can wear is a glowing healthy skin” – Personally, I cannot agree more to this statement and I am sure you do too!

Hello everyone, I am Pareena Naggea, founder of Parici which is a one-stop fashion, beauty and lifestyle destination as well as a platform to inspire, connect and empower the modern women. As a proud SkinB5 Brand Ambassador, I would love to tell you beautiful people out there, how I stumbled upon this amazing brand and my journey to becoming a representative.

So who am I? “Live small but dream big is my mantra”- I have a background in marketing, fashion and modeling.  I am currently working as a Marketing Professional in the education sector. In my spare time, I work as a Freelance Model and MYER Beauty Consultant. I founded Parici as it was a long cherished dream to one day create a platform to connect and empower women.

Nothing excites me more than hearing about other’s passions and helping them achieve their goals. I am also zealous about, the power of women, and cannot wait to march the world over. l love meeting new people, trying new foods, and would never refuse a good chat over a cup of coffee. Now that we know each other a bit better, let’s move on to how I came across SkinB5.

I was first introduced to SkinB5 by my best friend, Farah, who is now SkinB5’s food blogger. She has been battling acne problems ever since she was a teenager and said that she finally found her holy grail after trying so many other products which did not work for her. She highly recommended it to me since I was experiencing really bad hormonal acne breakouts and been spending money on various products which were not working for me. She mentioned how the brand uses natural ingredients and does not use any toxic chemicals.  Being a model, it is practically a requirement to have clear skin at all times, else it can result in losing big contracts and being rejected for shoots and shows. My hectic schedule, long working hours and having to constantly wear heavy makeup for shows and shoots, contributed enormously in causing my skin to become dull and I would occasionally get a breakout here and there. So I decided to give this a go., I really had nothing to lose.

When I received my skincare pack, I made sure to use it religiously along with taking the SkinB5 Acne Control Caplets daily and within a few weeks, I could definitely see an improvement, not only in my skin but also in my energy levels. So now this too was my holy grail. What I really love about SkinB5 is that it is not only a skincare range but a brand that embraces the philosophy of beauty from within which aligns with my core belief of empowering women. I simply love and believe in the brand as it is mainly centred on natural beauty and the empowering feeling that comes from within.

SkinB5 is part of my daily routine now and I am always carrying my SkinB5 pack with me. I love using the Skin Purifying Mask before shoots as it helps to soothe and perk up the skin followed by the moisturiser which provides light, breathable coverage and easily absorbed by the skin without leaving any shiny residue behind. The Cleansing Mousse is perfect for removing my make up at the end of the day as it is really gentle and does not strip and dry my skin out and the best part is, it takes less than 30 seconds for me to remove all my makeup. The Caplets are simply amazing as they are not only great for treating acne but they also help reduce stress levels, regulate hormones and boost the immune system.

When I was selected for an International Beauty Pageant – Ms/ Mrs Globe, held in China in November 2015, I reached out to the team for their support in helping me with organising my charity events since I knew that the brand is also about the empowerment of people, particularly women. I was genuinely surprised when they actually they made me their Brand Ambassador. The team has been very supportive throughout my journey in making a difference in others’ lives by supporting my charity events and through my Parici Group Projects to empower women.

Thank you SkinB5 for making a difference in my life. I look forward to working together to make a difference in others’ lives and make them experience that Eureka moment I had 2 years ago when I first tried my SkinB5 pack!

By |2020-02-08T22:11:28+10:00March 17th, 2016|LIFESTYLE, Testimonials & Case Studies|0 Comments

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About the Author:

At skinB5, Our Vision is everyone happy in their own skin. Our Mission is transforming lives through innovative, effective and ethical skin care products that enable wellness and confidence. Our Values are: Care – Passionate about creating a positive impact in our world; Integrity – Doing the right thing at a personal and professional level; Progressiveness – Lead by utilising new knowledge.

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