A Simple Trick to Beat Procrastination

A Simple Trick to Beat Procrastination

Have you got a million and one things to do, but somehow never get around to doing half of them? I know the feeling…that ‘to do’ list in your head can keep going and going…

The problem is if you feel you’re not getting things done, you will feel stressed and that doesn’t help the complexion. Acne can be exacerbated by stress, so those of use who suffer really need to be aware of our stress levels and really consider what causes stress and what we can do to decrease it.

So how do you make sure you get round to doing everything you need to do or remember everything you would like to do in a simple way which won’t cause any more stress?

Write it all down – Yes it’s so simple, but it works!!

I can honestly say that I am more productive if I have written down what I need to do, than if it’s just all in my head. In fact, if it’s all in my head I feel like I’ve got even more going on and can get a bit overwhelmed which leads in less getting done and leaving me feeling like a bit of a failure.

There are a couple of ways to do this

TECH HEADS: Use an app. Write what you need to do in the app and it will remind you to do the jobs, show you what you’ve still got to do and even allows you to colour code so that you know what’s essential to be done today and what is more a dream for next year.

OLD SCHOOL: Write it down. I have a diary and each evening write what I need to do the next day. I usually start doing the quick and easy tasks so that I feel I’ve got a few things under my belt early on. This makes me feel like I’m in the groove and then the bigger more difficult tasks feel like a challenge that I’m going to conquer rather than impossible.

So give it a go tonight. Get everything in your head down in your app or on paper and see how much easier it is to get through things tomorrow. There will be days you get lazy or forget and if you’re anything like me you’ll be ‘chasing your tail’ the next day or even find that you don’t get anything done and go back to feeling a failure again. It happens – but remember it’s just one day. Get back on track and write it all down again and you’ll be blazing through all things that you need to do and treating yourself to a ‘little something’ to say well-done.



Venessa is a down to earth Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach, specialising in helping clear your stress and problem skin through Holistic Simplicity. Her passion for healthy living, whole foods and beauty from the inside out, is a result of years of acne, adrenal exhaustion and digestion issues that affected not only her body but confidence too. Venessa wants to share with you how Yoga & Mindfulness along with a natural, unprocessed diet and SkinB5 products can build flawless skin, amazing confidence and a massive smile, as it has done for her’.

Check out Venessa’s website for more details about how Nutritional Therapy & Health Coaching can help you  www.holistic-simplicity.com

By |2020-02-08T22:18:29+10:00May 17th, 2017|LIFESTYLE, Skin Wellness|0 Comments

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At skinB5, Our Vision is everyone happy in their own skin. Our Mission is transforming lives through innovative, effective and ethical skin care products that enable wellness and confidence. Our Values are: Care – Passionate about creating a positive impact in our world; Integrity – Doing the right thing at a personal and professional level; Progressiveness – Lead by utilising new knowledge.

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